06 27, 2023

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“The Inflation Reduction Act has been a landmark historic law passed in the United States that is going to have transformative – and is already showing evidence of having transformative – effects on the U.S. economy and the global climate scenario.”

That’s according to Marcus Krembs, Head of Sustainability at Enel North America. The Inflation Reduction Act provides long-term certainty for growth – for investors, developers, owners and operators, and corporate offtakers who are interested in driving and accelerating progress toward their net zero and science-based targets commitments.   

In this video, Marcus meets with Axel Threfall from Reuters to explore how the Inflation Reduction Act will be instrumental in accelerating the deployment of renewables across the United States – and why it’s essential for organizations to act now.

Enel is your partner for the Inflation Reduction Act

Clean energy technologies have already become cost-competitive over the last decade. Now, economic benefits made available by the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as growing stakeholder pressure on organizations to meet sustainability targets, are driving further demand for clean energy technologies.

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 contains nearly $400 billion in federal incentives for organizations across the United States to catalyze private investments in clean energy, transport, and manufacturing. Our team of experts at Enel North America is ready to help you capture the most value from these incentives. Contact us today to evaluate the potential of your organization to leverage these opportunities to advance your energy and sustainability strategy.

Learn more about advancing your energy strategy by leveraging our integrated energy solutions.