Energy Market Insights: September 2023
09 20, 2023
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Every month in our Energy Market Insights report, Enel’s analysts examine the biggest energy market stories across North America. Our report includes insights for New England, New York, the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic, Texas, California, and Mexico, as well as information on renewable energy and natural gas.
In our September report, you’ll discover:
- What actions regulators are taking to increase storage capacity that will help reduce price volatility in the winter months in Southern California.
- How capacity auction delays are impacting prices in PJM – and what utilities in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are doing to address price calculation uncertainty.
- The factors that contributed to price spikes in Texas, and what your organization can do to protect against sudden price fluctuations and volatility from month to month.
Download the report to find out about these stories and more!