CSRD Guide: What US companies need to know about CSRD

09 22, 2023

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Are you a US organization with significant operations in Europe? 

If so, you must prepare for the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This recently adopted regulation requires large companies with significant EU operations to report on their sustainability performance. The CSRD goes beyond the current sustainability data tracked and reported by many US organizations. It requires reporting on a wide range of ESG topics, including climate, pollution, water resources, biodiversity, workforce, value chain, and business conduct.

Since the CSRD will be implemented in phases starting in 2024, your organization should begin preparing to comply with the new requirements.

In this guide, learn more about:

  • The difference between the CSRD and the proposed SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rule
  • The companies that will be impacted and timelines
  • How to assess your current sustainability reporting practices 
  • The benefits of CSRD preparation 
  • How to get started to prepare for CSRD

The CSRD is a significant new regulation that will majorly impact how US-based companies report on their sustainability performance. By taking steps to prepare now, you can avoid the risks of non-compliance and be well positioned to meet the CSRD requirements.

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